You’ve got the PowerPoint…….so will that be ready by Monday?

Posted: August 23, 2011 in Online development

 If you are an e-learning developer have you ever found it difficult trying to articulate to someone the key stages that should be considered when seeking to move traditional resources into the online environment? Despite the best of intentions we have found that conveying the message is rarely as straight forward as we would like. Possibly you’ve been approached to develop e-learning materials by someone who has little idea of what is involved in producing quality materials in the e-learning space?

Little or no consideration may have been given to:

  •  the quality of the educational experience
  •  the role of the teacher
  • the degree of interactivity
  • relationship to accredited units of competence
  • how and if it will form part of a formal assessment process
  • options for delivery
  • etc……

This situation is understandable given that many teachers and or educational administrators may not have had the opportunity, or until now the need, to gain the knowledge and skills to integrate more flexible online approaches.

With this in mind we set ourselves the challenge of mapping a version of what this e-learning development  journey should look like. Many of the steps often happen in an organic way but formalising the process can ensure that no steps are overlooked and that all participants/contributors are on the same page. The most important steps occur at the beginning of this process. Examining the rationale for going online and asking a series of questions about the how, why, when of what is proposed being the most important of all. Setting out the details of all educational, financial, resource and hr implications, degree of industry involvement, learner needs and special requirements such as IT/software/access etc. as a foundation will form a basis on which the other parameters on the online experience can be explored and developed.  We were keen to show that effective development of engaging online resources requires a wide range of people coming together in a collaborative manner; each member bringing their own perspective and talent to the task at hand.   

This A3 draft document charts our thinking on the journey to date. We would be interested to hear from others who develop e-learning experiences as to their processes and to get some feedback on ours.

Clive Hutchison, Project officer

  1. Lynn Huguenin says:

    You have highlighted some important points with this posting. Time spent preparing and planning will contribute to the quality of the learning materials that are being developed and so improve the outcomes for the students.

  2. deliamb says:

    I think it’s really valuable identifying the many aspects and stages that are involved in the process of creating online learning materials. As your map demonstrates, there’s a lot to it and that can be quite daunting, can’t it, especially to a newcomer. As a supplement/complement to your word-based map, have you thought of a map that is more image-based, perhaps something like a comic book or graphic novel?
    Thank you for the conceptual work informing your map,

  3. Julie says:

    Clive glad to see the final document worked out so well.

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